Monday, October 15, 2012

Na-na na-na na-na nuh, Batpod!

One of my very first posts on this blog was dedicated to how awful Joel Schumacher's Batman & Robin is. If a couple of paragraphs didn't convince you then, maybe this will--I recently made a guest appearance on the "Good Word From Bad Movies" podcast (the reason for this post's title; sorry if you were looking for info on the Caped Crusader's cool motorcycle), where my friends Billy and Andrew watch terrible movies, then make fun of them while simultaneously relating them to gospel principles. It's kind of like an aural version of my BASOTRUSSL posts.

There was so much stuff to mock in B&R that the podcast has been broken up into three parts. The link for part 1 is here, part 2 here, and part 3 here. Altogether it's 117 minutes of comedy gold. (That's just 8 minutes shorter than the movie itself.) We review the plot in the first two parts (can't really call it a "summary" when it's that long), then get more into the "Good Word" in the final installment.

There are plenty of jokes peppered throughout, the most common themes being pizza, bad Arnold impressions and even worse Mr. Freeze puns, and (surprisingly) Hitler. We recorded in early September but the episodes were just posted over the last week, so there are some dated references to the Olympics and such, but if you think I'm funny then you'll probably really enjoy these. At any rate, they hopefully won't leave you as bored as the supervillain pictured below.

I had a ton of fun recording these (thanks Andrew and Billy!) and hope to use podcasts more in the future as a way to entertain the masses and show off my wit. In the meantime, now that I've ripped on Batman &Robin in writing and with audio, I need to decide which medium to use next. Maybe a diorama...

1 comment:

  1. I'll be listening to the podcast today. And that pic of Mr. F is ridiculous!
