Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sit right back and you'll hear a tale

A few months ago, my friend (and now roommate) Petey told me I should start a blog called "Tales of Hofmann." You're welcome, Petey!

For those who don't know, Tales of Hoffmann is an opera based on the stories of German writer E.T.A. Hoffmann. I was one of those who didn't know until my LDS mission to Scotland. Apparently the Scots are big fans of this opera--it probably happened at least a dozen times that someone would see my name on my badge and make a reference to the Tales.

I still have not seen the opera, but hope to have an opportunity soon. I read the synopsis on the above link, and it sounds fascinating. It's basically the story of Hoffmann being unlucky in love, with each attempt being sabotaged by a Muse who wishes him to devote his full attention to writing.

The first woman he falls in love with turns out to be a robot. Not only is this an awesome plot idea--especially considering this is a 19th-century work--but it also reminds me of this epic late 1990s Aerosmith video.

After his third failed love, according to Wikipedia, "the Muse...reclaims Hoffmann: 'Be reborn a poet! I love you, Hoffmann! Be mine!' The magic of poetry reaches Hoffmann as he sings...'Muse whom I love, I am yours!'" This seems apt for me, as I am recommitting myself to writing more regularly. But I plan to reserve some love and devotion for real human women, too.

Again, this sounds like a great opera, and it's certainly a perfectly descriptive title for my blog. I'll basically be telling tales: tales about me, tales about other people, tales that I make up. And you can all be the students in the virtual tavern, sitting around and enjoying the stories. (If you do enjoy them, go ahead and make it official by clicking that Follow button!)

1 comment:

  1. I think you should be super-impressed with me because I have actually seen "Tales Of Hoffmann." It was YEARS ago, but a friend of mine actually played the "robot."
