Tuesday, September 25, 2012

2011-2012 New Show Reviews, Part IV

I did it! We did it! We've finally reached the conclusion of my reviews of shows that debuted during the 2011-2012 season. By the end of this post, you'll learn which new show was my favorite. But before that, make sure to watch the above clip. It's noteworthy for several reasons:

1) It's a hilarious Ryan Lochte impression. I give it three swims.
2) It legitimizes the Go On joke I made in part 1 of this series.
3) It shows that the work of a TV reviewer is never done. I've already got about a half dozen pilots under my belt (including "Monkey Hospital") that will be covered if I repeat this conceit next year.

Anyway, on to the fourth and final installment! (You can read part 1 using the link above, part 2 is here, and part 3 is here.)

Episodes Watched: 1 of 7
Status for 2012-2013: Renewed for second season
For those who like: This site (James van Der Beek was the original Ryan Gosling)
Comments: This show's title has so many problems. It's obviously inappropriate, but even worse, it's too long for anyone to remember or mention to their friends. But the lone episode I watched made me laugh more than almost any other new sitcom, in no small part because of the presence of Dawson playing himself (ok, JVDB playing himself--but there were numerous Dawson references in the pilot).

Smash, NBC

Episodes Watched: 15 of 15
Status for 2012-2013: Renewed for second season
For those who like: Glee, but wish the singers didn't have to pretend to go to class once every six episodes
Comments: The singing in this show is pretty good. And the numbers from the fictional Marilyn Monroe musical the show revolves around actually seem like they could be part of a real Broadway show. The main problem is, I hate pretty much every character on the show. The catty gay chorus member is a delight, but I can't really stand anyone else. A big part of that is the smugness; everyone seems to think they're so great because they're pursuing a career in show business, and certainly seems to think they're better and more interesting than those who aren't in "the biz." I met several people like that when I lived in New York. I didn't like those people.

The X Factor, FOX

Episodes Watched: 26 of 26
Status for 2012-2013: Renewed for second season
For those who like: Singing competitions with non-spinning judges' chairs
Comments: There's enough differences from Idol here that it should be interesting (no age limit, groups performing along with soloists, the judges also acting as coaches, etc.), but really, it's just Idol in the autumn. Season 2 has already started, and they've ditched the charisma-less season 1 host and upgraded the judges' panel. But it's still just a singing competition where the performers get criticized for both poor musical arrangements and for not "making a song their own," depending on which route they went that week.

Alcatraz, FOX

Episodes Watched: 13 of 13
Status for 2012-2013: Canceled
For those who like: J.J. Abrams, time travel (ok, time travel is basically implied at this point in a J.J. Abrams project)
Comments: So, I had some negative things to say about the last two shows, even though they placed pretty high on my list. That's mainly an indictment of the low quality of shows I subjected myself to in the last year (again, I am a TV addict). But from this point on, the shows on the list are ones I actually liked.

Alcatraz has a pretty unsatisfying ending, but that's because they were hoping for a second season. I was into the premise and curious how it would play out. Plus it had Hugo from Lost and Jurassic Park's Sam Neill, both experienced time travelers (kind of). If this show ends up on Netflix you should check it out.

Napoleon Dynamite, FOX

Episodes Watched: 6 of 6
Status for 2012-2013: Canceled
For those who like: Tater tots, guys with nunchuk skills, chatting with babes online, etc.
Comments: This show vastly exceeded my expectations. If you liked the movie you'll almost certainly enjoy the cartoon. Nearly all of the original actors provide the voices for their animated doppelgangers, and each episode features a couple of lines or sight gags or whatever lifted directly from the film. The show was delightfully quirky, as was the animation style, nailing little touches like Napoleon's slumped posture as he runs. I'm disappointed this one didn't get renewed.

Once Upon A Time, ABC

Episodes Watched: 22 of 22
Status for 2012-2013: Renewed for second season
For those who like: The Disney version of fairy tales
Comments: And I often mean that literally. Not only is OUAT much lighter, more fun, and more family-friendly than the similarly-themed Grimm, but they also use whatever version of the character fits best with the show, whether it's from the original source, the Disney movie version, or something else. And they cram all the fairy tale narratives into one community in a way that Shrek never even attempted. But it mostly works, and aside from the annoying little boy, nearly all of the characters are interesting and many are likeable. Plus, there's a number of crossovers (actors, Apollo bars, etc.) with Lost, one of my all-time favorite shows.

And my favorite new TV show of the 2011-2012 season...

New Girl, FOX

Episodes Watched: 24 of 24
Status for 2012-2013: Renewed for second season
For those who like: Quirky girls (and quirky guys too!)
Comments: My love for Zooey Deschanel was born after seeing Elf and solidified after The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I knew I would be watching this show to see her, even if it was awful. Thankfully, it was actually really entertaining. It actually only took a few episodes for Zooey's Jess to drop anywhere from the second to the fifth most interesting main character, depending on the episode. Her male roommates (especially Schmidt) steal the show every time. They could literally have a different "new girl" move in every season, and I'd keep watching. (But I still love Zooey.)

That's it! Finally done. If you read all the way to the end of any of these posts, let alone all four, then you like TV almost as much as me. And I thank you.


  1. I also piloted each of these (except for X-factor). Didn't end up watching any of them.

    Of the options, my favorite was New Girl. No offense Zooey, but I agree with Jeff's concept of substituting a new girl into the apartment every season and still having a successful show. (But it wouldn't work without Schmidt.)

  2. I LOVE Schmidt in New Girl. I also started watching because I though Zooey was funny, but her quirkiness/awkwardness makes me SO uncomfortable now that I squirm throughout the show.

    Also, is the commenter above really named Muerte, or is this a name he got off one of my top 5 favorite movies "Undercover Blues." Either way...awesome!

  3. Love New Girl. Love Once Upon a Time. I hate adding more new shows to my queue of weekly must-see's, but those two are just too good not to watch.

  4. Bryan...care to explain the origins of Muerte?

    All three of you have pretty good taste!
