Saturday, February 4, 2012


[Here's this week's BASOTRUSSL!  If you don't know what that is, check out the beginning of this post. The following is adapted from an email I sent to my ward about a year ago while serving as Sunday School president.]

Hope you all had a good Groundhog Day! Like many of you, I LOVE the movie inspired by that weird pseudo-holiday. I watch it every February 2.

Four years ago the film clicked with me in a new way, as I watched it immediately after returning home from President Hinckley's funeral (can you believe it's already been four years? crazy!). I found the juxtaposition fascinating: one real man, who kind of seemed like he would never die, but we all recognized his mortality, who filled every second of his life with good works and service to others; and one fictional man, who has all the time in the world, and the potential to do so much, but squanders that gift--at least at first.

Like Phil Connors, we are infinite beings who nevertheless must operate under finite conditions to accomplish the work that is set out for us to do. President Wight gave us ten great tips to help with this at ward conference, including several that are relevant here: reading the scriptures, studying the words of living prophets (or recently living ones like Pres. Hinckley), and of course, the #6 item on the list (take that FHE!), preparing for the upcoming Sunday School lesson! Here's the study guide link.

This lesson is all about the opposition, choice, and accountability, especially as exemplified by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Though they lived thousands of years apart, Adam and modern prophets like Pres. Hinckley and Pres. Monson achieved their high standing and position before God only after decades of developing the ability to choose good over evil. This is yet another evidence that like February 2 in Punxsutawney, God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Am I right or am I right or am I right? Am I right? Right...

1 comment:

  1. Seriously this post was spot on! And I love President Wight. I think he is such a good man. I miss him. Although I have fantastic leaders. AND I love my ward -- they make me feel like a celebrity -- who wouldn't love that!

    It is a good reminder to make each day worthwhile. I was feeling overwhelmed by all the things I need to and want to do...thanks for the re-motivation Jeff Hofmann!
