Friday, August 31, 2012

I am ready for some football

The college football season is now underway, and I'm working on some other blog posts, so this is going to be short. You'll have to get ready for this week's Gospel Doctrine lesson without much guidance from me.

But since I have football on the brain, I'll quickly point out a few instances from this scripture block that proves the Utes and their fans are evil:

--Those with crimson on their clothing are proved to be guilty of terrible crimes (see Hel. 9:29-34)

--The devil is known to have conspired with former U of U quarterbacks (see Hel. 6:27)

--Ok, that last verse might have actually been referring to someone else. But what if it wasn't?

--The people become so wicked that consistent conflict (the Holy War) is replaced by famine (see Hel. 11)

Go Cougars!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha! I literally laughed out loud when I read "proves that the Utes and their fans are evil."
