Saturday, February 22, 2014

If only...

If only there had been more righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah, the Lord wouldn't have destroyed it (see Gen. 18:23-33).

If only Lot's wife hadn't disobeyed, she wouldn't have been turned into a pillar of salt (see Gen. 19:26).

If only Lot's wife hadn't been turned into a pillar of salt, she and Lot may have had more sons that could've married their daughters. (Small dating pool back then, lots of people's family trees didn't branch much.)

If only Lot's daughters hadn't seen fire and brimstone destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, they might not have thought they and their father were the last survivors on Earth.

If only Lot's daughters hadn't thought they were the only ones who could repopulate the planet (I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt here), they wouldn't have got their father drunk and slept with him.

If only Lot's daughters hadn't got their father drunk and slept with him, they wouldn't have given birth to sons (and later nations bearing the names of) Moab and Ammon (see Gen. 19:30-38).

If only Lot's older daughter hadn't given birth to Moab, the town I stopped in to eat a Wendy's chicken sandwich while on the way to New Mexico may have been given a different name.

And if only I wasn't spending the weekend in New Mexico with my parents, a dodgy Internet connection, and an even dodgier laptop, I might have come up with something a little more elaborate for my 200th post on this blog. Oh well.

There's not a lot of time left, but you can prepare here for Sunday's Gospel Doctrine lesson on the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

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