Sunday, November 6, 2011

Barack the Vote

[I'm not a very political person. When I think about that stuff, I'm fairly moderate, maybe a little more liberal in my views on economic policy and a little more conservative on "social" issues, but mostly I'm just apathetic. This post is not intended as a statement in favor of or opposition to the President. It is intended to be entertaining; hopefully it doesn't fail completely in that regard.

This also seems like a good time to mention (they like us to do this on a regular basis) that while I work for JetBlue Airways, and even Tweet for them on their official account, my blog is my blog and does not represent the views of my employer.]

Can you believe it? One year from today is the next presidential election! It seems like the inauguration was only yesterday. Probably because the 2012 campaign has been going pretty much since the day after the inauguration. Also, because I think of the phrase "when yellow will be mellow" anytime I need a good giggle.

As a Mormon, it might seem logical that I would be a supporter of Mitt Romney or Jon Huntsman. But I actually have a lot more in common with President Obama. I may not have the same track record of killing off terrorist masterminds, but other than that, we're basically two peas in a pod. Don't believe me? Check this out:


10. We both work from home most of the time.
9. Both of us get to fly for free.
8. Each of us feel that, most of the time, Fox News is pretty ridiculous.
7. The President and I each have one parent that was not born in the United States.
6. When President Bush left office, both of us were dealing with some serious employment and economic problems.
5. We both think Michelle Obama is hot.
4. We're both terrific dancers.
3. Both of us wanted to be architects (wait, that's something the Prez has in common with George Costanza).
3. As a Mormon, if someone ever asks me about it, I too am ready to answer "Yes, we can."
2. I'm always encouraging people to watch NBC's show about a close-knit college study group. That's right, just like Barack, I am also a Community organizer.
1. No matter what other important things may be going on, President Obama and I will both drop everything we're doing to fill out a March Madness bracket.

Only 365 days left! Make sure you register!

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