Saturday, November 5, 2011

Hoffmann of the Month: November

The Hoffmann of the Month for November is the one and only Dustin Hoffman! He's probably the most famous "Hoffmann" there is--so why choose him now, you might ask? A couple of reasons:

--We're already five days into the month, and I don't want to delay any longer while I try to scrounge up an obscure honoree.

--Halloween was technically last month, but it's still fresh in the brain as we begin November. One of Hoffman's most iconic roles is Tootsie, and what could be more Halloween-y than a movie about cross-dressing that's named after a chewy chocolate candy?

--I'm writing this on Guy Fawkes Day, which of course commemorates among other things a famous stake-burning--but not THE most famous stake-burning. That would probably be Joan of Arc, and Dustin was once in a movie about that. Plus Hoffman's look in Hook seems like it was based on the Guy Fawkes mask.

--It's the eve of the New York City Marathon, and Hoffman starred in Marathon Man.

--He's talented, sure, but he's basically an eccentric weirdo, as evidenced by the video above--an accurate parody of his weird performance at the 2003 Grammy Awards. (I can't find the real video anywhere, which is a good sign of just how ridiculous it was.)

So all things considered, Dustin Hoffman was clearly the right choice to be the Hoffmann of the Month for November. Definitely, definitely the right choice.

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