Thursday, November 8, 2012

I was gonna write, but...

One of my pet peeves is when people apologize for not blogging. Lines like "sorry I haven't been good at blogging lately" or "I've been too busy to blog for a while" at the beginning of a post annoy me. Everyone's busy; like everything else you just have to make time for blogging if you want to do it. Just blog or don't blog, it's not that big of a deal. None of the blogs I frequent charge a monthly subscription fee or anything, so it's not like you owe me anything.

Of course, this means I also hold a certain amount of self-loathing, because I've done the same thing on more than one occasion on my old blog. But I've been trying to quit, and haven't really had this issue since starting this blog last year. I have been guilty of a similar offense, though--promising a blog post (either here, or on my Facebook fan page, or just promising myself) on a certain topic or by a certain time, and then not delivering. And guess what? I'm doing that again today.

I had plans for a more meaningful post this week, but I procrastinated, and now I'm going out of town this weekend, so this is all you get. I'm not going to apologize, though, because if you read this post at all it shouldn't take you more than two minutes. Plus, I'm in good company--even the prophet Nephi once admitted to not getting around to "blogging" something he should have (see 3 Nephi 23:7-12). (Aside: if we visited the olden days when giving feedback involved engraving on metal blog plates, I bet we wouldn't complain so much about blogs that make you type a CAPTCHA before leaving a comment.)

To learn more about Nephi's embarrassment and other, more important things, check out the study guide for this week's Sunday School lesson. And I'll be back with a more engrossing post next week. Or not. It is just a blog, after all.


  1. You're right. It's taken me longer to post a stupid comment than it did to read your post.

  2. Your post, for clarification, was not stupid, but my comments are.
