Friday, September 2, 2011

Asterisk the Gall

Three years ago today I had emergency surgery to remove my gall bladder. My doctor would later tell me that it was "gangrenous" at the time of its removal. Nasty.

My post detailing the experience on my old blog includes one of my better jokes of all time: "I have staples in my stomach and am not wearing underwear, but for the last few weeks I haven't looked or felt much like a centerfold."

I'm sorry, but that's a really fantastic joke. Right? Right.

The timing of this dubious anniversary is ironic (by which I mean, coincidental) considering the scripture block for this week's Sunday School lesson. Paul teaches in 1 Corinthians 12 that the members of the church are like parts of the body: all play different roles, and some are more prominent than others, but all are important.

So now I don't know what to gall bladder (especially in its gangrenous state) would certainly qualify as a "feeble" (v. 22) and "uncomely" (v. 23) part of my body. Was Paul wrong? Am I the exception that proves the rule? Or is it just impossible for any metaphor to be interpreted 100% literally in all cases? I'll have to digest this all a little more, I guess. Which won't be easy. Because, you know, I have no gall bladder.


  1. "I have staples in my stomach and am not wearing underwear, but for the last few weeks I haven't looked or felt much like a centerfold."

