Thursday, September 15, 2011

Two can play this game (aka "This two-ply can game")

There's an epically passive-aggressive game of chicken going on in my apartment right now.

I share a bathroom with my roommate Ryan. In the 18 months since I moved in, he he has purchased a package of toilet paper and left it in the bathroom for us to share exactly one time (and it was only four rolls). Sometimes, when we run out, a single (often partial) roll will appear; whether he has swiped it from our other roomies or keeps a personal stash somewhere, I don't know.

Normally, things like this don't bother me. Taking an extra turn or two (or 20) on communal purchases is not that big of a deal, especially compared to the awkwardness of asking an adult to please buy some toilet paper. But last week, when the last package I bought ran out, I decided not to replace it, hoping Ryan would step up. So far, nothing. I took a roll from our roommates' bathroom (sorry Petey--I'll replace it) and hid it in my bedroom, toting it back and forth to the loo when needed. I have no idea how Ryan's been getting by.

(Ryan is not on Facebook, or Twitter, or Gmail chat, so he won't know that I'm writing about him unless one of YOU tells him. So if you see Ryan, please keep the TP stuff on the DL--I want this stalemate to continue organically.)

The weird thing is, he's a good roommate in pretty much every other way. He's friendly, responsible, he makes the long walk everyday to check the mail...he's a nice, "Charmin" guy (couldn't resist). But I'm not giving in this time, at least not yet. If Ryan wants to continue this test of wills, I'll wipe the floor with him (please don't poo poo all of my bathroom puns--they're so much fun).

I'll keep you all updated as the situation progresses. I realize that my behavior is somewhat petty, but I feel justified. In an amazing coincidence, a big chunk of this week's Sunday School reading deals with justification. It's not great bathroom reading material, but you should still check it out.

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